Meet The Executive Team

Amy Boivin, MA, QMHP
Director of Clinical Services

Amy Boivin joined KBBH in 1996 incorporating a thoughtful, consumer-focused leadership strategy to traditional clinical oversight. With a strengths-based organizational leadership approach, her authenticity, compassion for the individual, and unwavering belief that change is possible has created inspired and committed teams. Building on a professional background spanning child and family therapy to residential program oversight and operation, Amy’s inspired direction created the scaffolding for KBBH’s expansion into nearly 30 individualized programs and services across Klamath County. Her steady, forward-thinking approach to behavioral health care has been integral to KBBH’s exponential growth and success.

With Amy’s sharp focus on the impact of early childhood experiences, commitment to integrated physical and mental health care, and current knowledge of progressive wellness initiatives, KBBH is healthy, strong, and positioned for sustainable future growth. She spends her free time with her husband, son, and dogs enjoying the plentiful outdoor recreation opportunities in the Klamath Basin. You can also find Amy teaching dual credit college psychology courses at a local high school or cheering for her son at ice hockey events.

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Growth, Wellness, Community

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